Meaningful Work | An Interview with Canvas Rebel

I recently had an interview with Canvas Rebel who asked me to discuss what it means to do meaningful work. I was delighted to comment on a topic that is so close to my heart!

Here is an excerpt:

We were lucky to catch up with Amy DeCaussin recently and have shared our conversation below.

Amy, appreciate you joining us today. Can you talk to us about a project that’s meant a lot to you?

Recently, I left my full-time position as Communications Manager for Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church in Scottsdale, Arizona to focus solely on my company, DeCaussin Studios. My time at Saint Barnabas was filled with very meaningful work that subsequently afforded me many lifelong lessons too.

Saint Barnabas has a reputation for its culture, providing a safe, peaceful space for all different kinds of people and perspectives. The way the community cares for each other and the community at large is incredibly moving, and that deepening sense of connection is meaningful work. This culture, especially with the challenges of our world today, did not develop solely on its own. It is carefully cultivated by the leadership. One core value the leaders focus on closely is the skill of listening. Although there are many topics to be addressed within a faith community, listening touches on all aspects of them. The more you think about it, the more you realize that listening can be difficult. This is where I feel my work resides. Storytelling is a way to break through barriers and help bring a diverse audience to find common ground.

Through my effort to support the mission and vision of Saint Barnabas, I was focused on inspiring the community to see the value in themselves, each other, and their work as disciples. By doing this, it leads them to see abundant hope and endless possibilities. For me, the most rewarding projects were the time-based pieces that moved the viewers to tears. It was being a quiet observer of every contributor to the community, and then reflecting the wonderful essence of who they truly are back to them. Lifting up the community and empowering them was incredibly fulfilling.

My illustrations and animations are a way to open up to new perspectives and ideas. They serve as a tangible aid to developing better listening and connection. The profound effects of this can be seen in a child calmly taking in my work, slowing down to contemplate what they see. Observing this enlightened me to realize the power it can have in supporting the overall success of meaningful projects.


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Peace in a Quiet Moment